Welford Primary School

Welford Primary School

Diversity Is Our Strength & Together We Succeed



At Welford, music is taught using a spiral curriculum model based on the Model Music Curriculum, alongside class instrument provision in our junior year groups that is provided by Services for Education. Our curriculum celebrates the inclusion of pupils with special educational needs and disabilities, and hopes to encourage a life-long love of music for all.

Through PPA lessons and class teaching, singing, listening, performing, and composing are taught. Aspects of music such as notation are revisited yearly and the children’s knowledge deepens as they travel up the school.

Listening opportunities are selected from MMC playlists, ensuring exposure for our children to a wide and rich range of music from around the world, including western classical, popular and traditional music.

In Key Stage 2 the children experience whole class instrumental teaching (brass, keyboard and guitar) where they are taught performance, composing and listening skills. Some children also elect to continue learning these instruments (in years 5 and 6) alongside the violin and djembe.

Further opportunities for singing, performance and listening are provided through singing assemblies, special performance assemblies, and experiencing performances from visiting musicians.