Welford Primary School

Welford Primary School

Diversity Is Our Strength & Together We Succeed


Attendance target - 96%

The importance of attendance

Research shows that good attendance impacts upon children’s success in learning. Good attendance helps children to achieve good results, helps them to fulfil their potential and gives them a chance at a better future. A consistent approach to education contributes to success in lifelong learning and in future jobs. Being in school helps to develop positive social skills which in turn helps them to sustain friendships. At Welford we recognise that it is vital to ensure that each day is filled with fantastic learning opportunities which will enrich children’s lives.

Children who do not attend school fall behind their peers, they miss key curriculum information and concepts as well as struggle to access learning tasks. They often feel left out, find it hard to keep and make friends, feel insecure and lack confidence or have low self-esteem. Their overall attitude to learning can be affected which in turn impacts their learning, social development and overall health and well-being.


Responsibility of parents / carers

Section 7 of the Education Act 1996



This places the duty on parents to ensure that their child of compulsory school are receives a suitable education either by attendance at school or otherwise.

A child remains of compulsory school age until they are 18.


What does compulsory school age mean?

A child is of compulsory school age the first term after their 5th birthday. Therefore:

Children who turn 5 between 1st January and 31st March will be of compulsory school age at the beginning of the school term after 1st April.

Children who turn 5 between 1st April and 31st August will be of compulsory school age at the beginning of the school term after 1st September.

Children who turn 5 between 1st September and 31st December will be of compulsory school age at the beginning of the school term after 1st January.

Please see our parent attendance information leaflet (I will forward this via email for you to add)

The government have also outlined expectations on school attendance


Local authority attendance information https://www.birmingham.gov.uk/info/20014/schools_and_learning/1502/school_attendance_advice_for_parents

What should I do if my child cannot attend school?



School guidance & expectations

  • Any illness that requires home rest and in general is not treated by prescribed medication will be authorised on a ‘day to day’ basis. On the third day of illness expected that parents/carers will seek medical advice. We reserve the right to request medical evidence in order to authorise any further leave especially if your child’s attendance has dipped due to illness patterns. Medical evidence could be a prescription, a letter from the hospital such as discharge paperwork or a Drs appointment card.
  • Parents/carers who have a child diagnosed with a contagious disease should alert the school as soon as possible. Parents/carers will be advised on a case by case basis.
  • Children with an existing medical condition previously recorded by the school still have to follow the same attendance criteria, however we are mindful that their medical condition may have an impact on their attendance and will liaise with parents based on the child’s specific needs.
  • To facilitate the administration of prescribed medication parents / carers MUST advise the school office and complete the medication form.




  • All appointments, where possible, should be made out of school hours. If this is unavoidable; for example an emergency appointment, your child should still attend school before/after the appointment. Any session missed that is deemed reasonable to attend will be marked as unauthorised. Any sibling should attend school as normal.
  • All clinic/hospital appointments must be made in advance and by supported by an appointment letter in order to authorise any missed sessions.
  • All routine dentist appointments should be made outside of school hours or in the holidays. Any sessions taken where this reason is given will be marked as unauthorised unless it is an emergency
  • Medical evidence will be requested. Parents/carers must present a prescription, medical paperwork or an appointment card/letter at the school office upon their return. If sufficient evidence is not received during the week of the missing session/s the leave in question may be marked as unauthorised.
  • The SENCO will liaise with parents of children who have medical needs.


Leave in term


  • Under government legislation schools are no longer allowed to authorise requests for children to be taken out of school for a holiday during term time.
  • Requests for leave can only be granted by schools if there are exceptional circumstances, and holidays are not considered exceptional. Requests for leave must also be made to the school in advance.
  • A penalty notice is a fine to parents or carers if they fail to ensure that their child/ren attend school regularly. Birmingham Council is responsible for issuing penalty notices on behalf of schools in this area.
  • Penalty fines are £80 per child per parent if paid within 21 days, and £180 if paid between 22 and 28 days. If the fine is not paid, parents will be reported for prosecution. 


Attendance traffic lights and Attendance monitoring

  • Green: 96%+ meeting the expected % for attendance
  • Amber:9% - 90.1% at risk monitored as part of weekly data analysis by Attendance leader.
  • Red: 90% and below persistent absence persistent absent procedures followed


Celebrating attendance

We celebrate each class’s attendance weekly with a certificate.

Children’s individual attendance is monitored each week and analysed by Louise Bradbury the DHT and Attendance Leader.

At the end of each term a raffle takes place for, children have chosen the prizes for the attendance raffle:

Autumn term end – Nintendo handheld lite

Spring term end – Tablet device

Summer term end – Tablet device

Any child’s attendance at green by the end of each term will be entered into their Key Stage raffle.

At the end of term, Mrs Bradbury writes a postcard to all children who achieve 100%


Who to contact about attendance in school

Report an absence: 0121 464 9228 / send a Class Dojo message

Discuss your child’s absence: Pastoral Manager Sue Thompson 0121 464 9228 / enquiry@welford.sch.uk

SENCO: Louise Bradbury 0121 464 9228 / enquiry@welford.bham.sch.uk


Key documents

Attendance policy (Upload coming  soon)

Parent leaflet (Upload coming soon)